CHILL-SCULPT is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling and pressure to eliminate stubborn fat that will not shrink through diet and exercise alone. No general/topical anesthesia or pain medication is required. There is no downtime and you may resume normal exercise and activity immediately. Results will gradually develop over 2 to 4 months following your treatment. CHILL-SCULPT will remove 20-40% of the fat from the treatment area. Areas can be retreated if necessary in the future.

How to Prepare for your CHILL-SCULPT Treatment

Stop any medications that thin your blood as bruising in the areas of treatment is possible. If you are unsure about whether your medications are blood thinners please review this with our providers. Over the counter medications like aspirin, anti-inflammatories and fish oil supplements may also exacerbate bruising and should be discontinued.

Your CHILL-SCULPT Treatment Day

  • Wear comfortable, loose clothing to your appointment.

  • Wear inexpensive undergarments and bring an extra pair to wear home as gel pads will

    be applied with the applicator and will make any clothing you are wearing during the

    treatment wet.

  • You may eat prior to arrival but we recommend a light meal as rarely some patients may

    feel nauseated at the start of the session. We will provide snacks and beverages during

    the session if you begin to feel hungry.

  • Prior to your treatment photography, measurements and weight will be taken for

    comparison on your follow up.

  • The treatment rooms have a television with a selection of movies and programs but you

    may also want to bring your own iPad, reading materials, knitting or laptop to entertain yourself. Total treatment times will vary from one to five hours.

What to Expect During the CHILL-SCULPT Treatment

There are two types of applicators (vacuum assisted and flat applicators) which may be used during your session.

Vacuum assisted applicators: The most commonly used applicators uses suction to draw the fat into the device. The vacuum pressure may cause sensations of deep pulling, tugging and pinching in the area being treated. This sensation will subside over the first five to seven minutes of each application and for the remainder of the session should be comfortable.

Flat applicator: The flat applicators do not involve suction but you will feel tingling and stinging for approximately ten minutes as the applicator cools the fat.

Most patients experience very mild sensations; some patients experience more intense sensations at the beginning of each session but the symptoms will subside after the first 10 minutes.

After one hour (two hours with the flat applicator) the treatment for that area is completed and the device is removed. Immediately upon removal of the device the tissue will be firm and massage is important to maximize the treatment result. During this 2-5 minute process it will feel like a deep tissue massage – uncomfortable but bearable.

What to expect after CHILL-SCULPT

  • You can expect none or some of the following symptoms immediately after the procedure. These symptoms may persist for up to several weeks. Most patients have very mild symptoms but, as with any medical procedure, each patient experiences it uniquely.

  • Symptoms always subside over time and have NO long lasting complications.

  • The treated area may be red for up to a few hours after the applicator is removed. This is an expected but temporary effect.

  • Bruising, swelling and tenderness can occur in the treated area. This typically resolves within a week or two.

  • Numbness at the site is common, resolving over 1-3 weeks.

  • There typically is minimal recovery time after CHILL-SCULPT. You will be able to return to your normal daily routine immediately after the procedure.

  • It is common for the treated area to feel bloated and to look swollen for the first three weeks after CHILL-SCULPT. Compression tights such as yoga pants or Spanx may feel good to wear during this period.

  • You may experience a temporary dulling of sensation or itching/tingling/off sensation that can last for several weeks.

  • 4 to 10 days post CHILL-SCULPT you may notice more intense sensations than during the first few days. This is due to the inflammatory response your body naturally mounts to remove the dead fat cells. For most patients the symptoms are mild to moderate and often are more apparent when trying to sleep. If you are having difficulty sleeping please notify the office and prescription medications may be helpful.

When Do I Expect to See Results?

Following the procedure, a gradual reduction in the thickness of the fat layer will take place. You may start to see changes as early as three weeks after CHILL-SCULPT and you will experience the most dramatic results after two to three months. Your body will continue to process the injured fat cells from your body for approximately four months after your procedure.

How Do I Maximize my Treatment Results?

Weight gain will prevent you from appreciating your full results. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine after your procedure can help prevent this. Just like liposuction, CHILL-SCULPT kills and eliminates fat cells from the treated area. If you are eating more calories than you are burning off through normal activity and exercise, the extra calories will be stored as fat in other locations in your body.

Avoid the use of anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, naproxen and Celebrex for six weeks after the treatment. The inflammatory response in your body is the mechanism which removes the fat cells and inhibiting the body’s ability to mount a response may slow the progress of your result following CHILL-SCULPT.

Schedule a follow-up medical assessment to review your clinical results and discuss the option of additional treatments to achieve desired outcome for this treatment site and other treatment sites.

What is verju?



Verjú safely causes the release of fatty lipids from within fat cells causing the fat cells to collapse and shrink to a smaller size, which reduces the circumference and the appearance of cellulite. The fatty lipids then enter the lymphatic system where they are broken into free fatty acids and used as energy in the cardiovascular system. The Verjú laser system penetrates the skin to treat hypertrophic adipocytes while increasing dermal collagen and stabilizing the fibrotic collagen.


Body Contouring


Skin Tightening